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Year 2

Our topic this Spring Half Term is Space.

The children will be reading and exploring a range of carefully chosen text which will be used across the curriculum to support the teaching of our topic of Space this term. These include- Laika, Mae Among the Stars, Beegu and Counting on Katherine. As writers, we will write an argument about if animals should go to Space, a biography and an explanation text where we will use our SPaG skills to add detail to our writing. As mathematicians, we will investigate Carroll diagrams, tally charts and pictograms, expanded addition and subtraction. As historians we will be learning about the achievements of Katherine Johnstone, one of the first African American mathematicians to work at NASA and we will be learning about Tim Peake’s mission to Space. Our art is making secondary and tertiary colours in art as well as refining their painting skills. We will focus on the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh and will finally replicate a piece of his work! Computing this term is all about programming and algorithms; meanwhile, our scientists will investigate the properties of everyday materials.

After half term, we will be reading and writing alternative fairy tales, from the villain’s point of view. Maths will be extending our abilities in addition and subtraction using the formal expanded written method. Our Geography focus is map skills. We have already begun to use and read compasses. We will use these skills to study maps and atlases. Propagators are ready in science! We are growing a variety of vegetables and keeping a growth diary.  We are celebrating World Book Day with the children having immersive experiences of three brand new stories.